Essay on attaining mental health and living a fulfilling life

Cosmin Andrei Palade
5 min readJul 24, 2022


OK so let me give you guys a hack. How to fix mental issues. Most mental issues stem from two causes: toxic lifestyles or unresolved frustrations, sometimes both, all under a fundamental lack of knowledge of self and the world.

So the first step is to gain knowledge of self and the world. Most people fail at this. They fail at gaining knowledge of self because it's very hard to move past coping mechanisms, they’re called coping mechanisms for a reason, understanding yourself objectively is a very painful and seemingly detrimental process for anyone. But if you cope with a problem, you’re not understanding it properly and that skews your view in ways that generate dysfunctionality.

They also fail at understanding the world, because the world is stupidly complex. There’s also a reason why they are where they are in life, it's not like people don’t want to understand the world, it’s that they feel they already do because they’re surrounded by people that confirm their views. One thing you need to be aware of is your friends, family, lover likely do not understand the world beyond themselves. The way you do that is you start talking to your enemies. Which very few are willing to do, while fewer still do it with the intent of understanding if they’re wrong or not.

But let’s assume you’ve done that, let’s assume you've taken a hard critical impartial look at yourself. Let’s also assume you’ve subjected yourself to such a balanced discourse that you not only understand the ranges of most noteworthy issues in the world, but their causes, and their causes’ causes, and so forth. And if you’ve done the first part, that enables you not only to place yourself on all the ranges depending on your stances but also understand why you’re there and why on some of them maybe you can move a little, while on others you just can’t.

None of this is easy or simple. What it certainly is, is not impossible. It just takes effort that nobody’s ever been taught they can or should give. Assuming you’ve done all that and that you’re close to the apex of awareness regarding your life. That’s just step one of the processes. You’ve barely just created the correct context with which to tackle the problem adequately. Without this, the notion that you could ever hope to solve it is utterly foolish.

Now to move on to the two cases. If your problems have their roots in toxic lifestyles. If that’s the case you’ve likely encountered toxic people that have influenced you in some way. Strictly speaking, everyone is born innocent, nobody’s born an asshole. Even if you’ve distanced yourself from the source, the fact that the toxic mindset or behavior still lingers is a sign of the magnitude of damage that you need to fix. And this isn’t a blame game, you might think that it’s the fault of the toxic people in your life for doing that to you, but it really isn’t. If you think about it their own toxic behavior is because of other people that influenced them in that way.

Regardless, the way you fix it is to acknowledge that what you’re doing is wrong and that there’s a better way of going about it that ultimately benefits you much more. If you haven’t found that better way yet, work at finding it. If you don’t find it to replace the toxic behavior or mindset and if you don’t convince yourself that it’s much more advantageous to you to adopt it, then you will regress to the old system, and nothing changes.

If the source of your troubles are unresolved frustrations. Then you need to acknowledge that whatever you’re doing right now to try to resolve them if you even are, is not working. The reason it’s not working is because you’re actually trying to do it. Unresolved frustrations don’t just pop out of nowhere they have a root, a cause, that makes them fundamentally unresolvable, otherwise, they would have been resolved. So you can’t really resolve unresolved frustrations, not in the traditional sense anyway.

What you must do is work with them, not against them. The presence of unresolved frustrations ultimately means that you’re not on the life path you want to be, and there’s a host of factors stopping you from changing your life path to the desired one. I’m going to say it now: you can’t change your current life path to the one you want. It’s not going to happen. It’s like trying to cross two parallel underwater bridges, you WILL drown. There’s a reason you’re on this specific life path and not the one you want so unless those reasons magically change, which is impossible because 100% of the time these reasons are either unchangeble circumstances or past events, then you’re stuck here.

However, it’s not really all doom ’n’ gloom. There is a way to fix this. Detach yourself from wanting a certain path but rather want certain aspects. This shift will most likely change everything. Don’t want things to happen a certain way, but want specific things to happen no matter in which way. The good news is that the path that you’re on, that feels like it’s not what it’s supposed to be, is not yet set, you can still add anything you want to it. It’s kind of like buying a cheap guitar but installing premium pickups on it. Does it matter that the guitar is cheap? Not anymore really, since the pickups make sure to deliver premium sound.

That’s kind of how the life path works as well. Understand the means to bring the aspects that you want, from the paths you can’t reach, into the path you’re currently on. How you need to mutate your path so that it's compatible for such a thing to happen. And that will destroy your frustrations. You haven’t treated the cause, but you’ve nullified its effects. In principle the same thing.

These were my hacks on how to put yourself on the path to solving your mental issues and bringing forth the necessary conditions for a fulfilling life. People say these things weren’t an issue in the past. Yes they were, we just weren’t smart enough to identify and deal with them. Now that we ARE smart enough to do both those things it’s just people’s excuse that it’s too hard. There is no antidote for a lazy body, why would people think there is one for a lazy mind? People have become comfortable with this mostly because there’s no consequence for a lazy soul. So they do everything in their power to convince themselves there’s no consequence for a lazy body and mind.

Your mind is the capital of your life don’t let it go to waste. Work it well and the country that is your body will flourish. Make yourself well and the stars of your soul will guide you in such a way that straying from an advantageous path to you will become impossible. Bad things have always happened, but now we live in an age where a lot of them flourish and persist, a lot of times disguised under our very noses, or even more likely within ourselves. Be the light so desperately needed, for yourself as well as others. If we all shine bright, the only direction the shadows will have to go is unto themselves.

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

